EGRET Software Online Documentation

Receiving data from Biometrics Ltd software

EGRET Software can receive data from Biometrics Ltd Data Collection Software and thereby receives, displays and saves signals from DataLINK, DataLog and DataLite devices. 

Biometrics Ltd data collection software needs to be installed on the same computer as EGRET. EGRET Software is not able to directly communicate with the devices, rather it receives data from Biometrics Ltd Software in real-time. 

To set up this feature, go to the Configuration module in EGRET and Choose “Biometrics” in “Communication” Section. This is shown in figure below

Now, EGRET is ready to receive data from Biometrics. Then in Biometrics Software (Either DataLog, DataLINK or DataLite), go to “Setup” and select “File Save Mode”. Now Biometrics Software sends out the data and no longer records and saves data in its own software. 

Note that all necessary settings of sensors and devices need to be done in Biometrics Software before starting sending the data out from Biometrics Ltd Software.  

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